Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Rock

Well at least I did for a moment. I had 3 minutes of semi-fame yesterday playing key board for a faculty rock band called The Power Standards (a term which has been debated endlessly at my school for the past semester).

You'll have to watch closely if you want to see me. The keyboardist who plays a few sections of about 12 notes using only her right hand isn't exactly the focal point of the band. But I'm confident no one had more fun than I did.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Love Fall

I especially love fall at the cabin. It's been a while since I've done the hike up to Silver Lake (more like Silver Puddle right now) but I finally got up there last Friday. Even though the leaves were past their prime, the air was cool, the sun was warm, and the mountains were majestic.

One of my favorite things about a fall hike is the carpet of leaves on the trail. To me, there is no more beautiful palate of colors than fallen leaves, in whatever stage of decomposition.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

MY Beautiful Baby

Here he is, on his way to his Senior year Homecoming dance with his friends. I could go on and on about how great Jake is, but surely if you're reading this blog, you already know.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Beautiful Beautiful Bella

I don't know how this keeps happening. Perhaps it's just the good genetic material at play here. But I have ANOTHER beautiful granddaughter. Isabella Chihiro Wilde (isn't that a beautiful name too?) was born on August 17th. (I will always remember my brother David's birthday from now on, unlike this time since I was a bit distracted. Sorry bro.) Bella is not only beautiful, but has a calm and peaceful temperament. She eats and poops like there's no tomorrow, but crying?-- not so much. I was able to spend 6 days with Jennie and Bella, not to mention enjoying the company of Aurora, Dustin, Kelcy, Ellie, and Ben too. I even got to see my old friend, Brett Weber (say WEBBA), who is like a brother to Ben, and so feels like a son to me. Here are a few pix:...well, a lotta pix:

Now here's the truly mediocre (being generous with myself here) part. I can get pictures in. I can get text in. But I can't seem to get much control over where any of it lands. I could fuss and spend hours, and get really frustrated and decide to chuck the whole thing. Or just say "Oh well, I guess that will have to be good enough." I'm opting for the latter. So enjoy trying to match up the following descriptions with their relevant photos.

We went on a tour of Peacefield, the home of John and Abigail Adams in Quincy. Well at least Ben, Brett, Bella and I went on the tour. Jennie and Kelcy stayed outside and let the toddlers toddle.

It was Rory's birthday on august 31st. She's a terrific two! We had a very fun BBQ (Rory's favorite) with delicious halibut which "Unca Ben" caught in Alaska. Rory got lots of nice gifts, but I believe her favorite was the Shreck 3 movie from her parents, to whom she exclaimed "YOU DA BEST!" Ellie got a little sleepy on the fish and missed out on all the post-dinner activities.

Jennie will probably grow to despise Rory's new doll stroller. No one goes anywhere until that dolly has her "beep bop" securely fastened. But once that is done, Rory is off to the races.

I taught Bella to wave for pictures. I wanted her to break her Aunt Chris's record, who has waved or done the peace sign in every picture she's been in since she was approximately 18 months old.

We all took some relaxing walks, had a great time at the park and the playground, and I treasured every moment I was there. Thanks all of you, for being amazing people, and treating your old ma so kindly. "YOU DA BEST!!!"

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Honor and Rest

Today at church Jake gave a talk on gratitude. He did a very nice job. Right after the meeting, he left to go attend Jeff Mella's farewell (going to Calgary). For the next two hours I had many many people talk to me about how they appreciated and enjoyed and benefited from Jake's talk. I had absolutely nothing to do with it, but here all these people were expressing their praises to me. I thought of the Lord's commandment to "Honor thy father and thy mother". Obedience is how children do that when they're young, but as they grow older they bring honor to their parents by being good and decent people and doing things which are praiseworthy. I am grateful to Jake today for honoring me.

One of the other speakers today shared this scripture in the context of a story about the night she heard that her parents were divorcing. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to her, knowing that my children have experienced the same pain. Here is a verse that brought her peace. Like her, I know that peace can be found through the Savior.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matt 11:28-29

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Someday It Will Be My Turn

On Thursday evening I attended a memorial service for my Aunt Dale, my mom's oldest sister. It was a lovely service, full of beautiful music and shared memories. My mom and her sisters (and brothers) have loved each other throughout their entire lifetimes, from childhood to old age--quite an accomplishment, I think. My dad and his sister Irene are the same--still the best of friends and watching out for each other in their eighties. I hope the same will be true for me and my sister and brothers, and especially for my children. Nothing brings a smile to my heart more than when I see my kids love each other, which they definitely do.

Am I weird (yes), or does attending funerals make everyone think of their own inevitable death? I know it will be my turn someday, to take my last breath and say my goodbyes. I hope that day won't arrive for quite a few decades yet, but that memorial service got me thinking about the music I would want to be played at a service to honor my life. I asked Jon several years ago to promise me that he would play the piano at my funeral. (I don't remember if he promised, but I believe he will do that for me.) There is no music on earth that has ever pleased me more than listening to Jon play.

Maybe you can play more than one piece Jon. In fact, maybe you can be the entire program. But here's a piece to give serious consideration. (It was written for strings, but with or without them, I would love it.) Ashokan Farewell is one of the most beautiful melodies I have ever heard, and the words really touch something in my heart. You all know I am very bad at goodbyes, especially ones when it is uncertain when we will meet again. The words to Ashokan Farewell express my constant hope that we will remember our love, and keep it alive, until we reunite. However, and wherever, and whenever that may be.

Ashokan Farewell

Music by Jay Ungar

Words by Grian MacGregor

The sun is sinking low in the sky above Ashokan.
The pines and the willows know soon we will part.
There's a whisper in the wind of promises unspoken,
And a love that will always remain in my heart.

My thoughts will return to the sound of your laughter,
The magic of moving as one,
And a time we'll remember long ever after
The moonlight and music and dancing are done.

Will we climb the hills once more?
Will we walk the woods together?
Will I feel you holding me close once again?
Will every song we've sung stay with us forever?
Will you dance in my dreams or my arms until then?

Under the moon the mountains lie sleeping
Over the lake the stars shine.
They wonder if you and I will be keeping
The magic and music, or leave them behind.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heavenly Days Part II

"Heavenly Day"

Oh heavenly day, all the clouds blew away
Got no trouble today with anyone
The smile on your face I live only to see
It's enough for me, baby, it's enough for me
Oh, heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

Tomorrow may rain with sorrow
Here's a little time we can borrow
Forget all our troubles in these moments so few
All we've got right now, the only thing that
All we really have to do
Is have ourselves a heavenly day
Lay here and watch the trees sway
Oh, can't see no other way, no way, no way
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

No one at my shoulder bringing me fears
Got no clouds up above me bringing me tears
Got nothing to tell you, I've got nothing much to say
Only I'm glad to be here with you
On this heavenly, heavenly, heavenly, heavenly
Heavenly day, all the trouble's gone away
Oh, for a while anyway, for a while anyway
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

Patty Griffin

We missed you every moment Jon.